I just finished reading this incredible article about Diwali/Deepavali and I just had to share.
My two biggest takeaways are…
The rising of light in our life signifies a new beginning and, above all, clarity.
Light means clarity. Diwali is important because it is a festival dedicated to clarity, to bringing down the murkiness in you.
Light means clarity. It’s not a new concept for me at all but reading that today really, deeply resonated.
So I’m passing along the gems and wishing you more light and clarity, especially in these pressing times right now.
I want to uplift that the world is/can be a very scary, depressing and confusing place to inhabit. And right now there seems to be less light present as we encounter multiple human crises, wars, economic uncertainty…it’s a hot ass mess forreal!
…I hesitate over what to say because I hate platitudes and I vehemently disagree with “faking it til you make it.”
And I know it can feel fake reaching for and applying optimism when the world around us seems to be horrifically ablaze.
However, I do believe in radical hope, and I believe we can be certain about ourselves despite and within the calamity occurring in the world around us.
If you know your purpose for being, there is your clarity.
Knowing you are loved, that you exist as an expression and embodiment of love can offer you clarity.
I think recognizing and fiercely fighting to protect the light within ourselves is how we begin to transform the outer world.
When I shine, you shine, we all shine together, ya know?
It may take some time but if you do as the nursery rhyme says and let your little light shine…
…We can start to clear the misery, destruction, and distress running rampant and instead center the joy of being, reigniting the excitement and ecstasy of our aliveness in all of us, one being at a time.
So I encourage you to be the light, and whenever possible, increase the light around you by showing and sharing your light with others.
Happy Diwali/Deepavali.
What are your thoughts? Where could you use additional light/clarity in your life? Care to share some light energy in the comments? Drop a little love note below.