It’s been a whirlwind of changes in my life both personally and professionally. And one of those changes include this publication so let me share what’s all on the up and up.
From the last time I was in your inbox, I’ve been managing the development of two businesses. This publication was initially supposed to fall under my self-love coaching platform, Peace Power Pleasure. But I decided to go in another direction which I’ll talk more about in a bit.
If you don’t remember me, I’m Jasmin Ariel. I’m all about self-love, creative expression and holistic wellness. I have a plethora of services I offer. But I ultimately want to be known for my words, my space holding skills and compassionate counsel.
So now my main publication, The Sanctuary, will be a space to discuss all things wellness, self-love, community care and artistry. I’ll also discuss my nomadic experience, living in Mexico for nearly two years. This list will migrate over to my new platform to integrate with The Sanctuary so you don’t have to do anything to keep receiving my emails.
However you’re always welcome to unsubscribe if you no longer vibe with what I’m putting out.
Secondly, I have another private publication that falls under the Peace Power Pleasure platform. It will continue to discuss all things related to peace, power and pleasure like spirituality, affirmations, and more for example, and it will also be the voyeuristic purview into the more candid, eccentric and erotic sides of me. I want to share about my romantic relationship, my nomadic experiences here as well and slice of life testimonies of me practicing what I preach when it comes to my own healing and self-love journeys.
I’m working on the email welcome series for that now to kind of give inductees a gradient heat index on the inevitable spiciness to expect!
It will also be the space where I’ll share exclusive sneak peaks into the artistic projects I’m working on. I’ve been going through all my digital notebooks to compile all of my notes and thought production to better build portfolios of my creativity and wow, OMG, I’ve rediscovered so many songs, skits, short stories and more that I would love to share and get feedback on before I release them all to the world in their finished forms.
So if any of that sounded intriguing to you, sign up for my private blog: Passionfruit Kisses.
Ohtay, that’s it.
The next time I’m in your inbox it’ll be from either The Sanctuary and/or Passionfruit Kisses.
I’m super excited to share all the wonderful tea with you!
Until then…
Ttfn…tata for now!
💜 Jasmin